jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

Awards and certificates to be used at the end of the year

Hello Glitter Graphics - Glitterlive.com

Dear colleagues,
The end of the year is here, and it's important to encourage our students because of their daily work and effort.
I'm sure you've got a list of some students that really deserve it.
Do you want to give them an award?
Do you need more info about where to find them?
Great!! I've got an interesting list of links that you can visit. You choose the best one for you!!ok?
Enjoy the last week at school, relax and be happy.

Daniela A. Ayala Molinari.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello teacher :
    Muy bonita la foto jeje adios BS.

  2. Opino lo mismo que Claudia muy bonita la foto.Espero que mañana te guste el baile ne la plaza de toros.
    un saludo

  3. Profe me encanta las palmeras que has puesto en el blog.

  4. Hello teacher :
    Como mola el blog profe me gustan muchas las palmeras.


Thank you for your message! Come back soon! :D