martes, 29 de diciembre de 2009

Educators Calendar (January) for Teachers & Administrators (K-12) -

Educators Calendar (January) for Teachers & Administrators (K-12) -

sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

Santa Claus visited us!! Un mensaje de Santa para todos :)

Holaaaaa!!! Resulta que Santa Claus pasó la noche del 24 por casa y dejó en mi árbol, este video para que se lo pusiera a todos mis amigos y amigas, niños y niñas, maestros y maestras del mundo,jejeje.

Un besito enorme a todos,
Daniela A. Ayala Molinari.

sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009

Create your own Christmas Story

I've found an interesting link to do this. It's

Click on this link and do it ;)

Take care,

Rudolph the red nose reindeer

¡Hola a todos!Ya queda menos para sentarnos a la mesa y disfrutar de una deliciosa cena de Nochebuena junto a quienes queremos.
Pero aún nos quedan un par de días de clases con nuestros niños, así que he pensado que sería genial contarles la historia de Rudolph.
Yo les he contado el cuento y he hecho un juego que , junto con la canción, les ha entusiasmado mucho.
Hablo de los niños de infantil.
Para ello utilicé algunos videos de youtube, la película de Rudolph y por supuesto, esta imagen, que si la coloreáis y hacéis en cartulina roja una naríz, podréis indicar a vuestros alumnos que la coloquen en la carita de Rudolph.
Un saludo enorme,
Merry Christmas everyone!!

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

¡Que queda menos....! ¡Ya llega, ya llega...!

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009

A nice Christmas song with TPR for very young children

Hi there!! How are you doing it?, Are you ready for Christmas? Do you have your Christmas tree done? and...what about your stocking? ;-)
This time I want to share with you this nice videosong.
I think it's really interesting for us, teachers of English, teaching a nice Christmas song and at the same time using movements and expressions.
This is why I've chosen this song.
I'll use it with my 3 year old students, and I'm sure they will enjoy.
What do you think about it??

Have a nice week,
Daniela Ayala M.

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

Christmas songs

¡Holaaa! Os dejo la canción que estoy preparando con mis alumnos del tercer ciclo, con guitarra y todo,jejeje.
Un besote,

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Let's all cook!!

Hi again!!! Sorry for not publishing anything during these days, but I was ill.
Now, with more energy, I'm ready to share with you all those ideas having in mind during the weeks before ;-)

Let's start then with this super link (my favourite one) that explains us how to cook a chuncky banana bread.
I can't cook it yet, because my stomack is not healthy enough...what a pity eh?
Enjoy your meal!!
Daniela A. Ayala Molinari.


domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

Let's celebrate AUTUMN

On 30st November, we'll celebrate "San Dieguito" in our school. This is a good moment to prepare an autumn party for all the students.
As I'm teaching English in the third cycle (5th and 6th grade of P.E) , I'm thinking about teaching them a song and a poem about Autumn.

If you have more ideas, please, let me know :-)

Happy autumn to everyone!!
Daniela A. Ayala Molinari.

It Is Autumn
(To: "If You're Happy And You Know It")
It is autumn
and it's time to rake the leaves!
It is autumn
and it's time to rake the leaves!
It is autumn
that's the season!
We don't need
a better reason!
It is autumn
and it's time to rake the leaves!

Recordando Halloween 2009 ;)

¡Holaaa! os dejo algunas fotitos para que veáis cómo celebramos Halloween :)
Un besito,

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!21st of November

Thanksgiving day is coming so why not looking for some info to use in our lesson plans.
I hope you enjoy these ones :)

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Let's be pumpkins!!!Happy halloween! :-)

It's so nice to celebrate Halloween... and it's more enjoyable when you see how people and children participate on this party...
I'm very happy today, because all my students have had fun and learned a halloween song and chant.

Also, it's interesting to make them part of it, singing the song we have learnt to the rest of the groups.
I did it these days, and it was fantastic!!!

I've found a beautiful present for you all, have a look at it and... let's be pumpkins on halloween!!!

Smile and have fun,

Daniela Ayala Molinari.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

Halloween cartoons: Donald duck: trick or treat??

Hoy os traigo este presente, muy chulo y gracioso, y que a nosotros/as mismos/as nos trae gratos recuerdos sentaditos viendo a mickey, donald y sus amigos,¿verdad?.
Un besote,

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Attention to diversity on Halloween time!!!

Hi there! This time I want to share with you all this interesting video.
You can use it on your lessons too.
Kind regards,
Daniela Ayala M.

Happy Halloween!

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

Interactive game: Create your own Jack-O-Lantern

¡Hola a todos! hoy os traigo este juego interactivo, el cuál podréis incluso usar con la pizarra digital interactiva. Es muy divertido,sobre todo para los más peques.
Simplemente deben crear su propio Jack-o-lantern dándole la foma que desen.
Entrad al link y lo comprobaréis. Un saludo,

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009

Let's go to a HALLOWEEN PARTY!!!

Se me ha ocurrido algo muy bueno...podemos inventarnos el hecho de dar una fiesta en clase sobre Halloween e invitar a nuestros alumnos y que a su vez, estos inviten a los compañeros de clase. Para eso haremos la siguiente ficha...
Halloween Invitation b&w

Halloween activity book

It's like a portfolio but all about HALLOWEEN. It's very interesting and I would like you use it too.

Halloween Activity Book by Donnette E Davis, St Aiden's Homeschool, South Africa

Ready for HALLOWEEN???

Ha, ha, ha,...Halloween!!! hummm, it's coming!! and I'm so happy for fact I'm planning to organize a halloween party at home, we'll see,hehehe. I promise some photos in case it happens...
These days some shoppings are starting selling some fancy dreses, masks, make-up, ETC, and everything is because of Halloween.
It's time for pumpkins, witches and's time to have fun!!!

I'm not sure what I'm going to do at my new school...but as I have some ideas,something will happen,hehehe.
Here you've got some ideas, resources, printables, worksheets, etc, to be ready for Halloween.
Don't panic, relax and enjoy!!!ha ha ha ha....
shhh, the ghost is coming :P
Daniela Ayala Molinari.

Halloween Simple Phonics 1 A4


Cuidado con este, no os asustéis,jejeje.


Una canción que puede ser útil...

What Are You for Halloween

A good chant for Halloween

Halloween Chant

Brain quest grade 2

Brain Quest Deck: Grade 2

Brain quest grade 1

Brain Quest Deck: Grade 1

Brain quest for the car

Brain Quest Deck: For the Car

Brain quest workbook ages 11-12

Brain Quest Deck: Grade 6

Word seach created by your own

Otro elemento útil en la planificación de nuestras lecciones pueden ser las sopas de letras.

Hoy en día muchas veces olvidadas porque se ven suplidas por los videojuegos, y ya cada vez menos, la gente compra revistas de este tipo de cosas...Menos mal que siempre nos queda el Inglés para enseñar tradiciones y juegos para entretenerse,jejeje.

A la vez, estaremos reforzando el idioma del Inglés y motivando a nuestros chicos a ambas cosas: JUEGO SANO + INGLÉS.

Espero que os guste, os dejo un ejemplo hecho por mí con vocabulario de la clase.

Un saludo,

Daniela Ayala.

NOTA:El link lo tenéis en English resources, en las etiquetas de la derecha.

Board games

Dear colleagues,
This time I will tell you the importance of using board games in the English class.
You all know how important is to create a good enviroment in our lessons, so preparing board games, with specific topics will make our lessons enjoyable, communicative and active.
I wish you use this reference soon, this is why I have decided to start on with HALLOWEEN, as it's coming on next 31st October.
Perhaps you decide to use this; Whatever you do,please comment on this and tell me.

Have a nice weekend,
Daniela Ayala.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009


Ahora que estamos empezando el curso, encontraremos a algunos alumnos que necesitan repasar el ABC para hacer un buen "spelling" dentro de las actividades del aula de Inglés.
Por ello comparto este estupendo video con todos.
Un besote,

This blog supports Madrid for the Olimpic games 2016

Me encantaría que nos seleccionaran para los juegos olímpicos del 2016, este viernes lo sabremos por fín.
Mientras tanto, os dejo unas cosillas para que os informéis.
Un saludo,
Daniela Ayala.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Brain quest workbook for Kindergarten

Brain Quest Workbook: Kindergarten

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Problemas al cambiar la apariencia...

Hola chicos,
siento mucho la pérdida de ciertos datos :(, hay links que han desaparecido,como cartoons, songs, printables... pero intentaré añadir otros de nuevo,claro que imagino que muchos estarán ya perdidos.
Todo ha sido porque intenté cambiar la apariencia del blog con una plantilla externa que descargué,y para mi sorpresa,desaparecieron todas esas cosas.
La etiqueta sigue puesta pero las webs anexas ya no están :(.Así que imaginaos mi cabreo :(...son muchas horas de trabajo y ahora...desaparecieron.Al menos la esencia sigue,podría haber sido peor,no?.
Os pido que por favor añadáis links aquí de lo que nos sea útil para así ir recuperando entre todos esto,vale?

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Holidays and special dates in Great Britain

Hi everyone! and happy sunday!! hehehe. Today I want to share with you a special link that will help you to develop different didactic units along the school year.
I'm sure this will be very useful in your daily teaching practice.
Enjoy the link and make your children laugh!!!

Daniela Ayala M.


viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

What's the weather like today?

Hi everyone!! I'm very happy because I've found an interesting website that will help us to teach the weather in a different way.
I'm sure you'll enjoy this new website,
I hope you will tell me later,ok?
A big hug,
PS: Be careful with the weather ... I've got a cold now and I have no voice :(...


viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Back to school activities and printables!!

Hello everybody! It's a real pleasure to welcome you back to this new course. I'm sure we can share ideas so as to be better teachers everyday, so...don't hesitate writing comments on my blog, ok?.
To start on, click on this link, a nice place to find differnt activities for your students so as to give them the best welcome.

Enjoy and...happy welcome to everyone!!!

Daniela Ayala M.

sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

Beautiful stories with incredible didactic resources

Hi there!! I've found a marvellous story interactive book, that I'm sure you'll love it...
It's a story about a mouse, told in a very speacial way, using different rhymes ...
Have a look at it and enjoy!!

lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

¡Gracias a todos por las visitas! Thank you for your visit!!

I was trying to add a video that I recorded for you, but it was impossible to add it here...and...I don't know why...

So, just let me tell you how happy I am to have this blog here, and learn of my teaching practice everyday....

I'm happy enought to go on this project and see more visits.
You can't imagine, the importance of these educative blogs until you start with one and follow some ideas that were parked on your mind some years ago....

Thank you very much for that more than 6 thousand visits!!!
I really promise to go on this....
lots of love,
Daniela A. Ayala Molinari (English teacher)

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Happy holidays!!!Summer is coming ;)

Hello teachers and students! During these weeks we're ready to say "see you next september" to school. You know that summer is coming so we have to prepare our students to this period.
As you know, it's really important to create a good didactic unit with different communicative activities so as to reinforce the communicative competence and work on different items with enjoyable activities.
Surfing on the internet, I've found some great worksheet to do with our children.
Here you've got the examples....

Enjoy your summer activities!!!

Summer Activities to Enjoy Your Holidays

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009


Hello everybody!! You know how important is to motivate our students in the English classroom, and of course how important is to create an English enviroment around them. T

For this reason and to improve the communicative aspects, I share with you this interesting link where our students can listen to an English voice and practice the vocabulary learnt using the Interactive digital board or a pc ....

A big hug,

Daniela A. Ayala M.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Food vocabulary

Hi there!!! Today I'm here to introduce you some ideas to show our students the new vocabulary in a funny way.
This time I'm going to add here some interesting resources and videos to use with the topic "food".
Sometimes we don't have time to prepare our own material, so we use the typical flashcards... but... don't you think that changing a bit will create a different athmospheare?.

Let's see the examples, and I really would like you use them in your English class.

Lots of kisses,
Daniela Andrea Ayala Molinari

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

Native and English teachers needed for summer 2009

Native teachers needed for summer 2009: Feyda association, with 33 years of experience in organising summer english courses in different centres of spain, offers teaching jobs to native teachers (irish, british, american...) during the month of july 2009 (from monday to friday, 4 hours daily) we also need spanish teachers of english with an advanced level. for further info please contact : mr. Victor ayala phone: 665334695 email : Teaching periods in Toledo: 5th July to 18th July 19th July to 1st August 5th July to 1st August There're other jobs avaiblable too in: VITORIA (ÁLAVA), SALAMANCA, VALLADOLID, MADRID, BARBASTRO (HUESCA), TERUEL, GODELLETA (VALENCIA) AND MANY OTHERS. Para más info:

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

A todas las mamás del mundo, allá donde estéis y de cualquier edad...¡MUCHAS FELICIDADES EN VUESTRO DÍA!
Creo que ser mamá es una de las cosas más grandes de la vida, ojalá algún día lo experimente,je,je,je.

Como maestros de Lengua extranjera podemos hacer actividades manuales muy sencillas y divertidas para nuestros alumnos, de modo que aprendiendo la lengua extranjera y siguiendo los pasos que les damos en Inglés, lleguen a hacer su propio ART-CRAFT o MOTHER'S DAY CARD.

Os dejo unos links estupendos para todo esto.
Mother's day ideas for teachers

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

Happy Easter!!!

As we all know, we're on a bank holiday...EASTER!!
It's important we let our students know what this moment is.
En the English area, we can show them different pictures of our typical Easter bunny (I've learnt that it's not typical English, by the's german!!!)
Well, Children love rabbits, and of course chocolate, won't be difficult let them pay attention to our easter bunny story,hehehe.

I always use an easter bunny, easter basket, chocolate eggs and different colours... You can manage yourself to tell the story in the way you prefere.
Here there're some enjoyable links to use with your kids.

Enjoy and relax in this great Easter time!!

Daniela A. Ayala Molinari


martes, 27 de enero de 2009

Let's celebrate : Peace Day.- 30st of January 09

Hi there!
Here there're some interesting and funny links to use with our students in the English class, so as to make them know, how important is to have a peaceful world. I hope you enjoy these activities.
Say yes to PEACE and no to WAR.
Best wishes,
Daniela Ayala M.

banner coloring pages
Peace activities and ideas to make with your students

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

Ready to go on with ENGLISH¿?

Bueno bueno, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!! Ya estamos en el 2009, un año con sus más y sus menos según algunos expertos, pero confío en que el optimismo de cada uno pueda con cualquier crisis y superemos los baches, ¿verdad?.
Aquí os dejo un link muy interesante para preparar para nuestros niños y alumnos actividades fantásticas de cara al INVIERNO.

So... let's have a look to these Winter activities, Enjoy them!!

Best wishes in this new year,
Daniela Ayala.
PS: Thank you very much daddy, I love you!!;-)