Os dejo un ejemplo interesante de cómo se podría organizar una clase de 5 años en Inglés.
Ojalá os guste,
lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008
martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008
El uso de las P.D.I en el aula de Inglés
Queridos compañeros:
Hoy en día tenemos en nuestras manos una novedad informática tremendamente útil. Una herramienta la cuál aplicándola adecuadamente nos va a ayudar a hacer nuestras clases más divertidas, motivadoras y amenas.
¡Bienvenidos a la era digital!, ¡Ya está aquí la Pizarra Digital Interactiva!
Para que lo veamos todos, os dejo un video de cómo se puede usar la P.D.I en una clase.
Poco a poco iré escribiendo más al respecto,compartiendo experiencias y dando datos interesantes,sobre todo de links con recursos interactivos para las clases.
Hoy en día tenemos en nuestras manos una novedad informática tremendamente útil. Una herramienta la cuál aplicándola adecuadamente nos va a ayudar a hacer nuestras clases más divertidas, motivadoras y amenas.
¡Bienvenidos a la era digital!, ¡Ya está aquí la Pizarra Digital Interactiva!
Para que lo veamos todos, os dejo un video de cómo se puede usar la P.D.I en una clase.
Poco a poco iré escribiendo más al respecto,compartiendo experiencias y dando datos interesantes,sobre todo de links con recursos interactivos para las clases.
Uso de la P.D.I en clase de Inglés
viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008
Enseñanza del Inglés por Topics
Como bien sabemos los que nos dedicamos a esto, aveces es conveniente englobar los temas a tratar en TOPICS.Enseñar al niño el Inglés a través de un tema en concreto.
En anteriores comentarios hemos hablado de los cuentos (snowwhite) o de los números y animales varios.
Ahora vamos a hablar por topics y así transmitiremos el conocimiento que queremos a nuestros alumnos.
Partamos por el primero:
Empezamos con una linda canción
El tema de la comida es muy interesante para tratar en infantil, sobre todo porque podemos irlo asociando con la estación del año y los colores.
Os coloco de momento unas flashcards, que aunque son avanzadas pueden sacarnos de algún que otro apuro en el aula.
En anteriores comentarios hemos hablado de los cuentos (snowwhite) o de los números y animales varios.
Ahora vamos a hablar por topics y así transmitiremos el conocimiento que queremos a nuestros alumnos.
Partamos por el primero:
Empezamos con una linda canción
El tema de la comida es muy interesante para tratar en infantil, sobre todo porque podemos irlo asociando con la estación del año y los colores.
Os coloco de momento unas flashcards, que aunque son avanzadas pueden sacarnos de algún que otro apuro en el aula.
jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008
Para que los niños participen del blog y utilicen los medios disponibles,se propone la publicación de power points interactivos en donde ellos puedan ir visualizando la presentación y a la vez aprendiendo y respondiendo.
Aquí dejo un ejemplo de ejercicio propuesto:
He creado especialmente para este curso,y para este caso un power point sobre animalitos de la granja.La pega es que al subirmelo a SLIDEBOOM no salen los sonidos de los animalitos.En mi presentación sí están,pero al subirlos no. De modo que tendré que afinar más esto,pero al menos sirve de ejemplo,¿no?
Los niños verán el pps desde este blog y responderán a la pregunta: WHAT ANIMAL IS IT? respondiendo IT'S A .....
Será entretenido porque escucharemos los sonidos, veremos al animal en cuestión y empezaremos a ver texto.
Aquí queda pues esta presentación que he hecho con todo el cariño.
Un saludo,
Daniela A. Ayala Molinari. (Maestra lengua extranjera-Inglés)
Aquí dejo un ejemplo de ejercicio propuesto:
He creado especialmente para este curso,y para este caso un power point sobre animalitos de la granja.La pega es que al subirmelo a SLIDEBOOM no salen los sonidos de los animalitos.En mi presentación sí están,pero al subirlos no. De modo que tendré que afinar más esto,pero al menos sirve de ejemplo,¿no?
Los niños verán el pps desde este blog y responderán a la pregunta: WHAT ANIMAL IS IT? respondiendo IT'S A .....
Será entretenido porque escucharemos los sonidos, veremos al animal en cuestión y empezaremos a ver texto.
Aquí queda pues esta presentación que he hecho con todo el cariño.
Un saludo,
Daniela A. Ayala Molinari. (Maestra lengua extranjera-Inglés)
miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008
Gracias a estos juegos haremos que los niños siguiendo las instrucciones en Inglés pinchen en el link y jueguen:
Deberán seleccionar en el teclado los números del 1 al 9 y cuando vean un animalito conocido diremos pick-a-boo!! y también diremos el nombre del animalito que salió.
Es un juego muy divertido,los niños moverán el ratón como si de las manivelas del reloj se tratara,y según vayamos moviéndolo adivinaremos con los ojos cerrados (resto de la clase) de qué animalito se trata.Es entretenido,divertido y muy útil para estas edades.
Los niños deberán hacer click en el animal que se les indique:
EJ:Click on the elephant.
Después siguiendo la orden: Let's imitate the elephant,todos los niños harán lo mismo que el elefantito.
Deberán seleccionar en el teclado los números del 1 al 9 y cuando vean un animalito conocido diremos pick-a-boo!! y también diremos el nombre del animalito que salió.
Es un juego muy divertido,los niños moverán el ratón como si de las manivelas del reloj se tratara,y según vayamos moviéndolo adivinaremos con los ojos cerrados (resto de la clase) de qué animalito se trata.Es entretenido,divertido y muy útil para estas edades.
Los niños deberán hacer click en el animal que se les indique:
EJ:Click on the elephant.
Después siguiendo la orden: Let's imitate the elephant,todos los niños harán lo mismo que el elefantito.
ANIMALS: Páginas para Colorear
Animales y Números
Una vez visualizadas y finalizadas las fichas de trabajo,los niños serán partícipes del procedimiento de interacción, puesto que todos sus trabajos se escanearán y publicarán en el blog,subiéndolos gracias a la herramienta scribd. De ese modo podrán ver sus trabajos,hablaremos de ellos en Inglés y eso les motivará bastante.
Estimada Gema Darce:
Aquí te presento mi propuesta didáctica para trabajar el Inglés con niños de 5 añitos.
Hemos de partir de la base que en este aula contamos con un ordenador con acceso a wifi,por lo tanto todas las actividades que aquí se plantean podrían realizarse sin necesidad de sacar a los niños de su clase.
Emplearé el blog educativo como una forma de enlace entre el mundo real y el cibermundo,pero siempre a través del Inglés, el cuál nos llevará de la mano hacia el camino buscado por medios de canciones,rimas, chants, ejercicios divertidos.
Una vez que los niños hagan click donde se les indica, veremos el tema propuesto,que a posteriori será trabajado en la clase con la profe de Inglés (osea yo,jeje).Los niños de este modo, usarán las nuevas tecnologías, oirán, seguirán pasos en Inglés y después practicarán lo aprendido en la clase,llegando incluso a crear un minidrama o teatrillo.
A modo de ejemplo de este modo de trabajo propongo el siguiente tema: LOS ANIMALES y CONCEPTO BIG.
Para empezar los niños visualizarán el siguiente video:
Aquí va mi favorito,para ir parando el video mientras se visualiza y preguntarle a los niños sobre lo que ven y dice Andrew (el niñito que habla en el video)(Yo lo tengo con el texto abajo,pero no está en youtube).
Los niños harán click en el link y siguiendo mis instrucciones en Inglés seleccionarán la ficha correspondiente,hablaremos de ella,la imprimiremos,colorearemos y trabajaremos con ella.
Para ello usé la herramienta clip.Se puede ver en otra entrada.
lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008
El cuento de Blancanieves y los Siete Enanitos puede darnos mucho juego en las clases de Inglés.Podemos empezar por introducir los personajes del cuento, hacer canciones con ellos,crear bailes...De este modo explicaremos en Inglés un cuento ya conocido en su mother tongue,así que será mucho más fácil la comprensión del mismo.
De momento os añado el cuento escrito en Inglés y poco a poco iré añadiendo fichas y otros recursos para seguir trabajando con esto.
¡Que vivan los cuentos infantiles pues!
Un saludo,
The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Grimm's Fairy Tale version - translated by Margaret Hunt - language modernized a bit by Leanne Guenther Once upon a time, long, long ago a king and queen ruled over a distant land. The queen was kind and lovely and all the people of the realm adored her. The only sadness in the queen's life was that she wished for a child but did not have one. One winter day, the queen was doing needle work while gazing out her ebony window at the new fallen snow. A bird flew by the window startling the queen and she pricked her finger. A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside her window. As she looked at the blood on the snow she said to herself, "Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony." Soon after that, the kind queen got her wish when she gave birth to a baby girl who had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They named the baby princess Snow White, but sadly, the queen died after giving birth to Snow White. Soon after, the king married a new woman who was beautiful, but as well proud and cruel. She had studied dark magic and owned a magic mirror, of which she would daily ask, Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?. Each time this question was asked, the mirror would give the same answer, "Thou, O Queen, art the fairest of all." This pleased the queen greatly as she knew that her magical mirror could speak nothing but the truth. One morning when the queen asked, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" she was shocked when it answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow White is even fairer than you. The Queen flew into a jealous rage and ordered her huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. She demanded that the huntsman return with Snow White's heart as proof. The poor huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but found himself unable to kill the girl. Instead, he let her go, and brought the queen the heart of a wild boar. Snow White was now all alone in the great forest, and she did not know what to do. The trees seemed to whisper to each other, scaring Snow White who began to run. She ran over sharp stones and through thorns. She ran as far as her feet could carry her, and just as evening was about to fall she saw a little house and went inside in order to rest. Inside the house everything was small but tidy. There was a little table with a tidy, white tablecloth and seven little plates. Against the wall there were seven little beds, all in a row and covered with quilts. Because she was so hungry Snow White ate a few vegetables and a little bread from each little plate and from each cup she drank a bit of milk. Afterward, because she was so tired, she lay down on one of the little beds and fell fast asleep. After dark, the owners of the house returned home. They were the seven dwarves who mined for gold in the mountains. As soon as they arrived home, they saw that someone had been there -- for not everything was in the same order as they had left it. The first one said, "Who has been sitting in my chair?" The second one, "Who has been eating from my plate?" The third one, "Who has been eating my bread?" The fourth one, "Who has been eating my vegetables?" The fifth one, "Who has been eating with my fork?" The sixth one, "Who has been drinking from my cup?" But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found Snow White lying there asleep. The seven dwarves all came running up, and they cried out with amazement. They fetched their seven candles and shone the light on Snow White. "Oh good heaven! " they cried. "This child is beautiful!" They were so happy that they did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep in the bed. The next morning Snow White woke up, and when she saw the seven dwarves she was frightened. But they were friendly and asked, "What is your name?" "My name is Snow White," she answered. "How did you find your way to our house?" the dwarves asked further. Then she told them that her stepmother had tried to kill her, that the huntsman had spared her life, and that she had run the entire day through the forest, finally stumbling upon their house. The dwarves spoke with each other for awhile and then said, "If you will keep house for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay with us, and you shall have everything that you want." "Yes," said Snow White, "with all my heart." For Snow White greatly enjoyed keeping a tidy home. So Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Every morning they went into the mountains looking for gold, and in the evening when they came back home Snow White had their meal ready and their house tidy. During the day the girl was alone, except for the small animals of the forest that she often played with. Now the queen, believing that she had eaten Snow White's heart, could only think that she was again the first and the most beautiful woman of all. She stepped before her mirror and said: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow White, beyond the mountains With the seven dwarves, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. This startled the queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her and that Snow White was still alive. Then she thought, and thought again, how she could rid herself of Snow White -- for as long as long as she was not the most beautiful woman in the entire land her jealousy would give her no rest. At last she thought of something. She went into her most secret room -- no one else was allowed inside -- and she made a poisoned apple. From the outside it was beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. But anyone who might eat a little piece of it would died. Coloring her face, she disguised herself as an old peddler woman, so that no one would recognize her, traveled to the dwarves house and knocked on the door. Snow White put her head out of the window, and said, "I must not let anyone in; the seven dwarves have forbidden me to do so." "That is all right with me," answered the peddler woman. "I'll easily get rid of my apples. Here, I'll give you one of them." "No," said Snow White, "I cannot accept anything from strangers." "Are you afraid of poison?" asked the old woman. "Look, I'll cut the apple in two. You eat half and I shall eat half." Now the apple had been so artfully made that only the one half was poisoned. Snow White longed for the beautiful apple, and when she saw that the peddler woman was eating part of it she could no longer resist, and she stuck her hand out and took the poisoned half. She barely had a bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead. The queen looked at her with an evil stare, laughed loudly, and said, "White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony wood! The dwarves shall never awaken you." Back at home she asked her mirror: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It finally answered: You, my queen, are fairest of all. Then her cruel and jealous heart was at rest, as well as a cruel and jealous heart can be at rest. When the dwarves came home that evening they found Snow White lying on the ground. She was not breathing at all. She was dead. They lifted her up and looked at her longingly. They talked to her, shook her and wept over her. But nothing helped. The dear child was dead, and she remained dead. They laid her on a bed of straw, and all seven sat next to her and mourned for her and cried for three days. They were going to bury her, but she still looked as fresh as a living person, and still had her beautiful red cheeks. They said, "We cannot bury her in the black earth," and they had a transparent glass coffin made, so she could be seen from all sides. They laid her inside, and with golden letters wrote on it her name, and that she was a princess. Then they put the coffin outside on a mountain, and one of them always stayed with it and watched over her. The animals too came and mourned for Snow White, first an owl, then a raven, and finally a dove. Now it came to pass that a prince entered these woods and happened onto the dwarves' house, where he sought shelter for the night . He saw the coffin on the mountain with beautiful Snow White in it, and he read what was written on it with golden letters. Then he said to the dwarves, "Let me have the coffin. I will give you anything you want for it." But the dwarves answered, "We will not sell it for all the gold in the world." Then he said, "Then give it to me, for I cannot live without being able to see Snow White. I will honor her and respect her as my most cherished one." As he thus spoke, the good dwarves felt pity for him and gave him the coffin. The prince had his servants carry it away on their shoulders. But then it happened that one of them stumbled on some brush, and this dislodged from Snow White's throat the piece of poisoned apple that she had bitten off. Not long afterward she opened her eyes, lifted the lid from her coffin, sat up, and was alive again. "Good heavens, where am I?" she cried out. The prince said joyfully, "You are with me." He told her what had happened, and then said, "I love you more than anything else in the world. Come with me to my father's castle. You shall become my wife." Snow White loved him, and she went with him. Their wedding was planned with great splendor and majesty. Snow White's wicked step-mother was invited to the feast, and when she had arrayed herself in her most beautiful garments, she stood before her mirror, and said: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? The mirror answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you. Not knowing that this new queen was indeed her stepdaughter, she arrived at the wedding, and her heart filled with the deepest of dread when she realized the truth - the evil queen was banished from the land forever and the prince and Snow White lived happily ever after.
De momento os añado el cuento escrito en Inglés y poco a poco iré añadiendo fichas y otros recursos para seguir trabajando con esto.
¡Que vivan los cuentos infantiles pues!
Un saludo,
The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves - Upload a doc
Youtube también nos ayuda a mejorar nuestras clases, he aquí un ejemplo de las cosas que podemos sacar de allí.Dado que nuestro tema es Snow White, aquí dejo muestras:
Youtube también nos ayuda a mejorar nuestras clases, he aquí un ejemplo de las cosas que podemos sacar de allí.Dado que nuestro tema es Snow White, aquí dejo muestras:
Read this doc on Scribd: The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Grimm's Fairy Tale version - translated by Margaret Hunt - language modernized a bit by Leanne Guenther Once upon a time, long, long ago a king and queen ruled over a distant land. The queen was kind and lovely and all the people of the realm adored her. The only sadness in the queen's life was that she wished for a child but did not have one. One winter day, the queen was doing needle work while gazing out her ebony window at the new fallen snow. A bird flew by the window startling the queen and she pricked her finger. A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside her window. As she looked at the blood on the snow she said to herself, "Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony." Soon after that, the kind queen got her wish when she gave birth to a baby girl who had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They named the baby princess Snow White, but sadly, the queen died after giving birth to Snow White. Soon after, the king married a new woman who was beautiful, but as well proud and cruel. She had studied dark magic and owned a magic mirror, of which she would daily ask, Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?. Each time this question was asked, the mirror would give the same answer, "Thou, O Queen, art the fairest of all." This pleased the queen greatly as she knew that her magical mirror could speak nothing but the truth. One morning when the queen asked, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" she was shocked when it answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow White is even fairer than you. The Queen flew into a jealous rage and ordered her huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. She demanded that the huntsman return with Snow White's heart as proof. The poor huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but found himself unable to kill the girl. Instead, he let her go, and brought the queen the heart of a wild boar. Snow White was now all alone in the great forest, and she did not know what to do. The trees seemed to whisper to each other, scaring Snow White who began to run. She ran over sharp stones and through thorns. She ran as far as her feet could carry her, and just as evening was about to fall she saw a little house and went inside in order to rest. Inside the house everything was small but tidy. There was a little table with a tidy, white tablecloth and seven little plates. Against the wall there were seven little beds, all in a row and covered with quilts. Because she was so hungry Snow White ate a few vegetables and a little bread from each little plate and from each cup she drank a bit of milk. Afterward, because she was so tired, she lay down on one of the little beds and fell fast asleep. After dark, the owners of the house returned home. They were the seven dwarves who mined for gold in the mountains. As soon as they arrived home, they saw that someone had been there -- for not everything was in the same order as they had left it. The first one said, "Who has been sitting in my chair?" The second one, "Who has been eating from my plate?" The third one, "Who has been eating my bread?" The fourth one, "Who has been eating my vegetables?" The fifth one, "Who has been eating with my fork?" The sixth one, "Who has been drinking from my cup?" But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found Snow White lying there asleep. The seven dwarves all came running up, and they cried out with amazement. They fetched their seven candles and shone the light on Snow White. "Oh good heaven! " they cried. "This child is beautiful!" They were so happy that they did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep in the bed. The next morning Snow White woke up, and when she saw the seven dwarves she was frightened. But they were friendly and asked, "What is your name?" "My name is Snow White," she answered. "How did you find your way to our house?" the dwarves asked further. Then she told them that her stepmother had tried to kill her, that the huntsman had spared her life, and that she had run the entire day through the forest, finally stumbling upon their house. The dwarves spoke with each other for awhile and then said, "If you will keep house for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay with us, and you shall have everything that you want." "Yes," said Snow White, "with all my heart." For Snow White greatly enjoyed keeping a tidy home. So Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Every morning they went into the mountains looking for gold, and in the evening when they came back home Snow White had their meal ready and their house tidy. During the day the girl was alone, except for the small animals of the forest that she often played with. Now the queen, believing that she had eaten Snow White's heart, could only think that she was again the first and the most beautiful woman of all. She stepped before her mirror and said: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow White, beyond the mountains With the seven dwarves, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. This startled the queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her and that Snow White was still alive. Then she thought, and thought again, how she could rid herself of Snow White -- for as long as long as she was not the most beautiful woman in the entire land her jealousy would give her no rest. At last she thought of something. She went into her most secret room -- no one else was allowed inside -- and she made a poisoned apple. From the outside it was beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. But anyone who might eat a little piece of it would died. Coloring her face, she disguised herself as an old peddler woman, so that no one would recognize her, traveled to the dwarves house and knocked on the door. Snow White put her head out of the window, and said, "I must not let anyone in; the seven dwarves have forbidden me to do so." "That is all right with me," answered the peddler woman. "I'll easily get rid of my apples. Here, I'll give you one of them." "No," said Snow White, "I cannot accept anything from strangers." "Are you afraid of poison?" asked the old woman. "Look, I'll cut the apple in two. You eat half and I shall eat half." Now the apple had been so artfully made that only the one half was poisoned. Snow White longed for the beautiful apple, and when she saw that the peddler woman was eating part of it she could no longer resist, and she stuck her hand out and took the poisoned half. She barely had a bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead. The queen looked at her with an evil stare, laughed loudly, and said, "White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony wood! The dwarves shall never awaken you." Back at home she asked her mirror: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It finally answered: You, my queen, are fairest of all. Then her cruel and jealous heart was at rest, as well as a cruel and jealous heart can be at rest. When the dwarves came home that evening they found Snow White lying on the ground. She was not breathing at all. She was dead. They lifted her up and looked at her longingly. They talked to her, shook her and wept over her. But nothing helped. The dear child was dead, and she remained dead. They laid her on a bed of straw, and all seven sat next to her and mourned for her and cried for three days. They were going to bury her, but she still looked as fresh as a living person, and still had her beautiful red cheeks. They said, "We cannot bury her in the black earth," and they had a transparent glass coffin made, so she could be seen from all sides. They laid her inside, and with golden letters wrote on it her name, and that she was a princess. Then they put the coffin outside on a mountain, and one of them always stayed with it and watched over her. The animals too came and mourned for Snow White, first an owl, then a raven, and finally a dove. Now it came to pass that a prince entered these woods and happened onto the dwarves' house, where he sought shelter for the night . He saw the coffin on the mountain with beautiful Snow White in it, and he read what was written on it with golden letters. Then he said to the dwarves, "Let me have the coffin. I will give you anything you want for it." But the dwarves answered, "We will not sell it for all the gold in the world." Then he said, "Then give it to me, for I cannot live without being able to see Snow White. I will honor her and respect her as my most cherished one." As he thus spoke, the good dwarves felt pity for him and gave him the coffin. The prince had his servants carry it away on their shoulders. But then it happened that one of them stumbled on some brush, and this dislodged from Snow White's throat the piece of poisoned apple that she had bitten off. Not long afterward she opened her eyes, lifted the lid from her coffin, sat up, and was alive again. "Good heavens, where am I?" she cried out. The prince said joyfully, "You are with me." He told her what had happened, and then said, "I love you more than anything else in the world. Come with me to my father's castle. You shall become my wife." Snow White loved him, and she went with him. Their wedding was planned with great splendor and majesty. Snow White's wicked step-mother was invited to the feast, and when she had arrayed herself in her most beautiful garments, she stood before her mirror, and said: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? The mirror answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you. Not knowing that this new queen was indeed her stepdaughter, she arrived at the wedding, and her heart filled with the deepest of dread when she realized the truth - the evil queen was banished from the land forever and the prince and Snow White lived happily ever after.
Read this doc on Scribd: ICanLearnWithPooh1
I i f lrj!,,: .: r-- \ F--"-* \- \- *, r.r¡ t i ?,,::' ¡ i i'.=,:;,"r' z Ü,t,',t= zf I Numbers and Gounting Tableof Contents Number0.... Number1.... Number2.... N u m b e r s 3 a n .d . 4. . N u m b e r s 5 a n .d. . 6. NumbersTd .... an 8 N u m b e r s 9 a n d. . 10. Numberslto5 Numbers6to10. Countingto5.. CountingtolO. CountingtolO. CountingPractice. CountingPractice. C o u n t i n ga c t i c e . Pr MoreandFewer. MoreandFewer. More ounting actice.... C Pr M o r e C o u n t Pn g c t i c e . . . . i ra ......3 ......4 ......5 ......6 ......7 ......8 ......9 ....10 ...11 ....12 ....13 ....14 ........15 ........16 ........17 ...18 ...19 ......20 ......21 22 23 . . .24 . . .25 ...26 ...27 ...28 ...29 ....30 .....31 Numbers Dot-to-Dot. Numbers Dot-to-Dot. Numerical Order to 10 0 Numerical Order1 to 't0 Sequence Sequence Ordinal umbers N Ordinal umbers N ParentResourceGuide AnswerKey.. identiflring and writing the number I Numben I ?f Pooh Piglet sharing umbreila. thenumber betow. and are 1 Trace I li fi ti ti Édentifying and wr¡ting ihe number 2 ',/n,..'.... *\t-.-- - -,'7.- + 4;::'-".r 5 '*"*".or i***o Disney identif¡ring and writing the numbers 3 and 4 Numbens qhd 4 3 q.f {y' owl has3 dishes his shetf. on Draw2 cupson the bottom shelfso he witl have4 cupsaltogether. Then,tracethe numbers and 4 below. 3 l-i _ _.-¿. \ / r-i _____-_¿ '/-i r-i ____-_¿ '/-i '¿ ¿1 \ / I identif¡ring and writing the numbers 5 and 6 f aD.| :e : There 5 apptes are beside Pooh's basker and6 apples thebasket. in Trace the "rmbers 5 and 6 below. (. ( r-) l'_ ( (i r-j identif¡ring and writing the numbers 7 and 8 g Numbens ohd I 7 Poohand Pigletare rakingleaves. Thereare 7 leavesin the pot and g leaves the ground. on Trace numbers and g below. the 7 üe :, (,, vú 4 \ 4t : identifyring and writing - the numbers 9 and {O : . j Nunbens qhd 10 9 ry Rabbit sees9 grasshoppers 10 ladybugs the meadow. and in Trace numthe bers9 and10 below. \fhr R W [ ) O Ii . j I I I .l t$, / \ J-- ' g'orf i ¡ count¡ng, identifyring the numbers I to 5, prewriting skills I Nunbens to 5 Trace Tigger's bounce with yourpencil. Then, trace the numbers below. I I I ! \/ I v ti --a .r'\.t \, ---a, ,a 1 ,---\ / \ 1/ I fI ,g\ v-i \ / count¡ng, identifying the numbers6 to lO -€ffibsr-s 'F* 3i: & ( l'¡ :P Howmanybeesare lxzzingaround tree? the Circle bees. 7 Then,traceihe numbers beiow. (i ( t r, Counfingfo 5 ( t a ét Countthe different flowersPigletsees. Then,writethe number eachbox in thattells how manvthereare. : Counting 10 to HelpRabbit counthow manyof each vegetable has.Writethe numberín he eachbox. ffi tü* @[ üü $F ü 'ry'u+isf to Counting 10 t-. . ,- k# ^ Count whatPiglet in hiscupboard. eachmissing has Write number. count¡ng, number wr¡t¡ng, identif¡ring color words CountíngPnoctice Hereare someof the vegetables Rabbitpicked Follow directions the aboveeachbox. Colon 4 cqnnotgorqhge. Theh, fnqce fhe numben 4. TPPPPP Colon3 for¡otoegned.Theh, fnqce fhe numben 3. ó ó ó ó ó Colon 5 beqnggFeeh.Theh, fnqce fhe numben 5. )DD) -----iF-- It\ "'.,r..,t-*; Q., f sv Locxat tlreprciure i:ell'w. Ti-:en, answ€r questians the i:extpag*. the on ..:.-é¿ --:.-' {Q, ¿s # 6 Áuoumo¡{ ¿5 Áuoumo¡1 ¿5 a Áuoumo¡1 ec!+cD.¡¿ Bu¡¡unog count¡ng, compar¡ng, identifyring more and fewer lüone dhd Fewen HelpRabbit G""J.-i:countthe vegetables his garden. in Readthe questions below t ¡ l^ ,, p t9 Whichdoes Rabbithavemoreof? Circlethe answer. *--o Morert*g+ñfe Whichdoes Rabbithavefewerof? Circlethe answer. Fewerüt-@ffi' Fewenrt*óa' wffwff ?-? rü ?f *rff*Ir{rtr *ff'w*trwE {eüe¿ PqDa{ow 6u¡Á¡¡¡uep¡rEu¡reduroc ¡6u¡¡unoc IOTTIO¡ pue OIOUI count¡ng, read¡ng a chart lüone CounfingPnqctice €lfof; V First,look at the picture and drawa circlearound the character withthe mostballoons. Then. colorthe balloons in the chart below-asmany as belongto eachcharacter. Last,writethe number of balloons each in Lookat the square. to example helpyou. 'noÁ dlorlol elduexo aLl] lool 'ojpnbs le L{CeO sprq }o ur roqunuoql aluM 'lsel'rolcPreqs qoeeol6uo¡eq se ¡{ueu.r sB-Moloq oq} uEL|c ur sprq oqlroloc'uor.ll'spirq or.ll lsor.u rluMlolceleLlc punorealclrce ^ elp ot.ll ,l1$' pue arn¡crd le lool 'lsrll ,í ' ) orll ec!+cD.¡d 6r¡l+qnoc e.tow l¡erlc e Eu¡peer rEu¡¡unoc practicing numer¡cal order from I to 5 Numbeng Dot-to-Dof laughingl Connect dotsfrom1 to 5 in orderto findout the C-. !' Lookat Tigger whatmakes Tigger laugh. Then,finish coloring drawing. the JX pract¡c¡ng numer¡cal order from l t o l O Name. ( 0 2 fP Roois veryproud hispainting, of butwhathas he drawn? Cr:nnect dotsfromj to 10 in the order andyouw i l l f i n d out. Then, finish coloring drawing. the 0 0 O Disney pract¡c¡ng numer¡cal order from O to 10, prewriting skills a C-' !' Trace pathfrom0 to 10 to helpPoohqet to Pigiet's house. JY t ] practic¡ng numer¡cal order from I to lO, prewriting skills Nuhenicql OndenI to 10 Useyourpencil follow to Gopher,s path.Follow numbers order the in from1 to 10. r-G. g 9eguence ry Poohlooksout the windowand Second, First,Poohwakesup and stretches. the Number sun.Third,Poohgetsdressed. smilesat the morning pictures orderfrom 1 to 3 to showwhat Poohdoes in the morning. in 9eguence HelpEeyore rebuild house. his Number stepshe needsto the take in orderfrom 1 to 3. sequenc¡ng, pract¡c¡ng ordinal number concepts " - ; : ¡ , "' . . . ¡ ( I'e . ." . tl';'i ; : - ; . . . . j' ; . . "_:-1:i '" -: f¡, ilav¡ ¡.n arir.rit ip you clii i)rjl lne pictures ¡-r0ün h!Eirier:dslreii:¡'r. he of and l ' l ; ¡ : : i h e s e r r t e n r ec l . - l t e ne:.ri Ther¡,uiue each p i c i u r e n t h e s l ¡agc... i;r¡'r:ct piace starlinqtrc;rn írühisií.¡?. ine I H I L I F Q.-ü-'---' I I F I I I \ LA O O¡sney - _________ -1 I % 'ulqo¿.raqdo+g!.¡qc eeg o+ d!.J+ oq+uo al¡ll u! ow +eDl e.¡p i(oql .t|+ül+3uto3oo¿ puD DBuDl. 'eu!lu! 'q+.¡not l,eq¡ '6uop ecupp e.ip +!qqp¿puD.reBBLL. '+xeu geu¡oc qood. 9! P.¡!q+ eH 'uo6pr.r, 6,r¡pr.r,(eqr ewu! e.¡p pu'":f"1}-:'fi:'5J".j$rffi '+6,¡!+ sH 'uo6p$eW 8u¡¡pd a.JoÁe1. 9! 9! i' ' I . .', ,: _. . :outeN s¡dacuoc loqLunu 6u¡c¡¡ce.rd ¡6ulcuanbas leu!p¡o ParentResource Guide Helping Homew¡thNumbers at Helpyourchildrealize numbers a bigpartof eachandevery that are day. Findnumbers around house, thecar,at thegrocery all the in store, the on games, wayto school, etc. Lookat clocks, books, signs, timers, microwaves, speedometers, thermometers, television channels, newspapers, scoreboards, etc. qfu- Number yourchildusehisor herfinger Writing PracticeHave to ry writenumbers shaving in in in lid cream thebathtub, a shoebox covered with a layerof salt,or in sandin the sandbox. q!,¿- One-to-One Matching haveyour childfigureout how manyforks ry he will needto set at the dinner table. Add on to thatthe number of knives and spoons thatwill be needed. ?"&"e"8" B:.?\&'S,ñ ¿ € -?eee I : É" f E t (ft) , @eé i 6s 'g¿ a6o¿ ,ot@-. tra-@' ,@tt'-' ,@{F* g¡ a6od g "i"e#,t""'^"* 9 .^#^"**"" "¿s ,tueom.¡¡' 6P @@taQ T h """@ ru", u*" "o*"n"" dllr, '91a6o¿ ffiffiffi éw ffiffiffi tl E >l & '¿1 a6o¿ - "or@ G oI '¡ a6o¿ ; .-,",....", ",,"-"'..:;i,i:. { Poge 22. Poge 23. Poge 24. wi Poge 25. Page 26. f 6t --l I Poge ?7. Poges 28-29. " r;'"l ffi= --:z#b"=E-EFR rql tsBN 1-59394-537-X lilJill
Está claro que en el aula de infantil algo muy práctico y a la vez divertido son las rimas.Los ingleses nos ofrecen unas rimas muy buenas las cuales pueden ir muchas veces acompañadas de música,así que si eres bueno a la guitarra y aclaras bien tu voz,podrá quedarte una actividad excelente de cara a los peques.
Aquí te dejo un link muy bueno para ver ejemplos:
¡Espero que te gusten!
Aquí os dejo también una canción muy básica y entretenida que puede servirnos como "WARM UP" en nuestras clases de Inglés,inventando incluso un baile para los chicos.
jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008
The best messages for a good teacher
Para animaros un poquito, os añadiré aquí algunas cosillas encontradas, para recordar lo que hace ser un buen TEACHER.
Os adjunto también esta otra presentación dedicada sobre todo a los nuevos profesores.
Dado que la música que aparece en la presentación "ABC FOR NEW TEACHERS" me encantó desde la priemera vez que la escuché,os copio aquí la letra,para que la cantéis.Deja un mensaje cierto y bueno.
When I was a little kid, not so long ago,
I had to learn a lot of things I didn't really know,
How to dress myself, tie my shoes, how to jump a rope,
How to smile for a picture without looking like a dope.
But of all the things I learned, my favorite of them all,
Was the little poem hanging on the kindergarten wall.
Of all you learn here, remember this the best
Don't hurt each other and clean up your mess.
Take a nap every day, wash before you eat
Hold hands, stick together,
Look before you cross the street.
Remember the seed in the little paper cup,
First the root goes down, then the plant grows up!
It was first, second, third grade and fourth grade, too,
I had to learn the big things the big kids do,
How to add, subtract and multiply, read and write and play,
How to sit in a little uncomfortable desk for nearly half a day.
But of all the things they taught me, of all the great and small,
My favorite was the poem on the kindergarten wall.
Lately I've been worried as I look around and see
An awful lot of grownups acting foolish as can be.
I know there's lots of thing to learn, I haven't mastered yet,
Still it seems it's real important stuff that grownups soon forget.
I know we'd all be better off if we could just recall
That little poem hanging on the kindergarten wall.
Os adjunto también esta otra presentación dedicada sobre todo a los nuevos profesores.
Dado que la música que aparece en la presentación "ABC FOR NEW TEACHERS" me encantó desde la priemera vez que la escuché,os copio aquí la letra,para que la cantéis.Deja un mensaje cierto y bueno.
When I was a little kid, not so long ago,
I had to learn a lot of things I didn't really know,
How to dress myself, tie my shoes, how to jump a rope,
How to smile for a picture without looking like a dope.
But of all the things I learned, my favorite of them all,
Was the little poem hanging on the kindergarten wall.
Of all you learn here, remember this the best
Don't hurt each other and clean up your mess.
Take a nap every day, wash before you eat
Hold hands, stick together,
Look before you cross the street.
Remember the seed in the little paper cup,
First the root goes down, then the plant grows up!
It was first, second, third grade and fourth grade, too,
I had to learn the big things the big kids do,
How to add, subtract and multiply, read and write and play,
How to sit in a little uncomfortable desk for nearly half a day.
But of all the things they taught me, of all the great and small,
My favorite was the poem on the kindergarten wall.
Lately I've been worried as I look around and see
An awful lot of grownups acting foolish as can be.
I know there's lots of thing to learn, I haven't mastered yet,
Still it seems it's real important stuff that grownups soon forget.
I know we'd all be better off if we could just recall
That little poem hanging on the kindergarten wall.
Some interesting English videos
Llegó el momento de compartir material con vosotros,cositas que se van encontrando por la red y que considero pueden ser realmente interesante como recurso de aula.
Aquí os presento por ejemplo esta linda canción de Elmo.Es entretenida,¿no os parece?.
También podrás ver este video pinchando AQUÍ.
Aquí os presento por ejemplo esta linda canción de Elmo.Es entretenida,¿no os parece?.
También podrás ver este video pinchando AQUÍ.
miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008
Using songs, rhymes and chants in the Infant class.
Como todos sabemos, en el aula de infantil,las canciones son parte esencial de su aprendizaje.Las canciones,chants y rhymes nos van a ayudar a centrar su atención en este nuevo idioma,desconocido para muchos de ellos.
Es muy importante establecer ciertas rutinas diarias con los niños,las cuales obviamente estableceremos en Inglés.
Una asamblea bien hecha con sus canciones :Good Morning song, What's the weather song, The days of the week song, hará que centremos a los niños en nuestro mundo Inglés.
Lo mismo podemos hacer con el resto de la rutina de la clase,teniendo en cuenta los topics que queremos enseñar.
Cuéntame ahora qué opinas sobre esto,¿utilizas canciones en tus clases de Inglés?,¿qué tipo de canciones?.
Es muy importante establecer ciertas rutinas diarias con los niños,las cuales obviamente estableceremos en Inglés.
Una asamblea bien hecha con sus canciones :Good Morning song, What's the weather song, The days of the week song, hará que centremos a los niños en nuestro mundo Inglés.
Lo mismo podemos hacer con el resto de la rutina de la clase,teniendo en cuenta los topics que queremos enseñar.
Cuéntame ahora qué opinas sobre esto,¿utilizas canciones en tus clases de Inglés?,¿qué tipo de canciones?.
Info for teachers,
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