domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Are you ready for Christmas?: Ideas to decorate your school

To be sincere, I must say that I'm not ready for Christmas yet... but anyway, it's a good time to think about WHAT we want to do in our lessons before Christmas time.

I have found some brilliant ideas on the net that will make us happy.
Thanks God there're still some  people who think and invent. Thanks God there're still some people who create and think positively about this season...

I have to say THANK YOU to all of them, for giving us these clues and ideas. Without them, nothing would be the same, don't you think so?

Let's discover the ideas I'm talking about!!
Enjoy the week as it would be your last one!!
Daniela A. Ayala Molinari.

1 comentario:

Thank you for your message! Come back soon! :D